Cooperation is the Key to Optimal Data Collection

HELSINKI, 5 April 2023 – Digita and the City of Orimattila today announced they have signed a cooperation agreement to digitalise the town’s water supply. Digita first began working with Orimattila in spring 2022, and this new agreement formalizes their important partnership. Together, they started replacing old water meters with remotely readable units at the beginning of 2022, with the goal of replacing all the municipality’s 3,500 water meters over the next couple of years.

Digita’s remote water-reading capabilities enable cost-effective and efficient data collection, supported by a complementary geographic information system that provides extensive analytics.

The head of Orimattila’s waterworks, Petteri Kotonen, previously led Hamina’s waterworks, the first water company to utilise Digita’s IoT network for the remote reading of water meters. With his extensive experience, Kotonen has a proven record of successfully implementing IoT services and digitising water meters to increase the speed and reduce the costs of data collection.

Kotonen said, “Digita’s LoRaWAN network is an important communication platform that is playing a large role in digitalising the water industry. There is no other system on the market that allows for water supply digitalisation as efficiently as Digita’s.”

“Digita’s IoT LoRaWAN network has significantly improved Orimattila’s water supply operations,” Kotonen continued. “Groundwater level measurements that utilise the LoRaWAN network – which covers all of Finland and is a global telecommunications standard – have been added to our services. In addition, we are in discussions with Digita about potentially including flow measurements in our remotely read services. One of our near-term goals is to increase the number of different measurements we take and leverage data to improve our operations.”

Orimattilla water tower

“Petteri is a pioneer in his field. It has been a delight working on digitalisation with him both at Hamina and now in his role with Orimattila,” said Mona Miettinen, Digita’s Senior Sales Manager, IoT Services. “We take pride in the enabling our partner cities and customers to improve their operations, and our cooperation with Orimattila is another example of the significant value our solutions provide.”

Kotonen added, “Digita’s real-time data collection and user information provide unparalleled value. For example, the Water Services Act requires that we keep track of where water is moving and where possible leaks could be located, and Digita enables us to do that and is the key to optimal data collection.”

Media Contacts

Orimattila, Director of Waterworks Petteri Kotonen, tel. +358 447 813 718, petteri.kotonen(a)

Digita Ltd, IoT Sales Manager Mona Miettinen, tel. +358 400 721 700,

About Orimattila Water

The Orimattila Water is a municipal balance sheet unit. It takes care of the water supply and sewer networks and is responsible for the customer services in the operating area of Orimattila Water Ltd. The turnover is ca 2.9 million euros. The balance sheet unit employs 10 people.

About Digita

Digita is a provider of digital infrastructure and services and the country’s largest independent owner of telecommunication masts. We ensure the functionality of everyday connections and the availability of diverse communications for all Finns while respecting the environment. The company owns and operates Finland’s leading national terrestrial television and radio network, acts as a pay-TV operator for the antenna network, and develops future broadcasting services. Digita’s telecommunications services include private networks, indoor coverage solutions, telecommunications mast and rooftop management services, as well as Internet of Things (IoT) and data center services. Services are provided to media companies, consumers, mobile operators, industry, infrastructure companies and property owners. Digita employs more than 200 experts nationwide and we want to be the best workplace in our industry for everyone. Learn more at