Telia, Digita and Nokia join forces to provide new private mobile network services to enterprises and public administrations across Finland. This collaboration enables Finnish enterprises to build competitive advantage with the help of latest technological solutions, such as 5G.

The local private mobile networks offered jointly by Telia, Digita and Nokia are tailored for enterprises and public administration’s critical needs. Private networks offer secure solutions for challenging environments such as mines, ports, factory areas and hospitals.

“Together with our Finnish partners Digita and Nokia, we can now offer the world’s leading, secure private mobile network services to Finnish enterprises and public administrations. With Digita, our networks extend comprehensively from the southernmost tip of Finland to the northernmost part of Lapland. This means our services can be tailored well to local needs and different industries,” says Kaisa Pajari, Head of Networking and Communications Services at Telia Finland.

The solution is based on the latest technologies, and the first 5G standalone private networks are  currently in pilot test use. Telia and Digita are now building a 5G private mobile network for Kalmar, part of Cargotec, to use for their research and development needs. The benefits of private mobile networks include guaranteed and predictable performance, strong security and coverage even in challenging areas.

“Secure and reliable mobile networks with high availability will bring a competitive advantage to several industries in the near future. It is excellent that we can combine Telia’s solid position in the Finnish enterprise field, the world’s leading private network technologies from Nokia and Digita’s ability to produce versatile network solutions in a customer-oriented and nationwide manner,” says Markus Ala-Hautala, Chief Operating Officer, Digita.

“It is great to deepen our long-term strategic cooperation with Telia with this new business area and to involve Digita in the collaboration to strengthen our overall offering. Nokia delivers advanced technology and versatile solutions to Telia for different uses, and we also work closely together to develop technologies towards new uses of the industrial internet,” says Tommi Rasila, Account Director, Nokia.

Telia Finland communications
02040 54000

Kaisa Pajari

Head of Networking and Communications Services, Telia Finland,

Minna Flink

Director, Communications and Marketing, Digita Oy,

Digita is a provider of digital infrastructure and services, and is Finland’s largest independent owner of telecommunication masts. The company owns and operates Finland’s leading terrestrial network for nationwide TV and radio transmissions, is a pay-TV operator on the terrestrial television network and develops broadcasting services for the future. Digita’s telecommunications services include private networks, indoor coverage solutions, management services for rooftop telecommunications installations, IoT and data center services. The company provides services to media companies, consumers, mobile phone operators, industry, infrastructure enterprises and real estate owners. Digita employs 180 industry professionals nationwide.