IoT is part of Digita’s day-to-day business

Digita is a steadfast and reliable Finnish company with a complete Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure up and running, ready to act as a service platform for the applications of its customers and partners.

Our nation-wide LoRaWAN network utilises LoRa (Long Range) technology, which is the first technology in the world to be developed specifically for the Internet of Things and has already grown to become a global telecommunications standard. The data produced by the low-power sensors connected to the network can be transferred via a robust and reliable wireless connection across long distances.

To us, IoT sensor technology is not just a rosy vision of the future but an everyday reality – all the sensors and other equipment we offer can be found in our warehouse, and we have already completed hundreds of projects for trailblazing companies in various industries in cooperation with our partners.

LoRaWAN networks have a number of applications on construction sites

When it comes to construction, quality, quality assurance and reliability are critical factors in success. The IoT solutions based on Digita’s LoRaWAN technology offer many opportunities for improvement in these areas. The ability to collect data in real time where conditions previously had to be monitored using manual measurements is a key feature of our IoT solutions.

In cooperation with our partners (especially Mato Engineering and Wiiste), Digita has developed various sensor solutions that utilise the LoRaWAN network for construction industry companies. You can learn more about these solutions here, here and in our downloadable brochure (download PDF). Applications that have already been tested at construction sites include:

  • Moisture monitoring inside concrete structures
  • Keeping wood structures dry
  • Geolocation of construction equipment
  • Site safety and access control

In addition, sensors also offer numerous other new monitoring opportunities that can boost working efficiency on a large construction site and bring added value to the completed project. Below you will find some examples we can use to start putting together the perfect solution for you.

Get the most out of IoT solutions

Our IoT solutions offer numerous potential benefits for construction industry operators:

  • Improved construction quality and efficiency
  • Saving time by getting hold of data immediately
  • Cost savings
  • Improved risk management
  • Reduced probability of errors
  • Sensors that are practically maintenance free
  • Collected data that can be used to create real-time monitoring reports and increase the transparency of your operations
  • Solutions that help you meet the requirements of the law and local plans

Thanks to the nation-wide LoRaWAN network that stretches across the entire country, the solutions and devices provided by Digita and our partners are suitable for construction companies of all sizes and construction sites across Finland.

Do you want to place an order or learn more about the opportunities afforded by IoT?


Juhani Farin
Sales Manager, IoT